Internationalization of master’s programs in agriculture through teaching in English

№609563-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP – Internationalizing Master Programmes in Agriculture via English Medium Instruction (IMPROV
E _AGRO) (2020-2023)

IMPROvE_AGRO is a multi-country ERASMUS+ project, aiming at strengthening cooperation between the EU, and three partner countries (PC), namely, Kazakhstan (KZ), Mongolia (MN) and Russia (RU), addresses two common pressing needs: to modernize and internationalize curricula in Higher Education (HE), and to radically improve the situation in Agriculture and Forestry (A&F) by providing qualified graduates. A&F are the two priority sectors in all the three partner countries’ economies, necessary to ensure fundamental life security for the populations in terms of food production and a sustainable and safe natural environment. In particular, the project IMPROVe_AGRO addresses one of the partner countries’ common regional priorities: “Modernisiation of Curriculum in the specific subject areas, particularly in Agriculture and Forestry”. It also aims at facilitating the process of qualifications recognition – a regional priority for all three PCs.

The project is further integrated by the shared cross-cutting theme in the regional priorities for KZ, MN and RU – the need for internationalization of HE. Improve_Agro will contribute to the development of master’s programs in English in the participating universities of the PC’s. At the same time, catering to the needs of local contexts, IMPROVe_AGRO is to contribute to the development of the Life Long Learning (LLL) system.